Pennie - A Birth Story

I love births. It’s official. I am honored to capture those moments that truly change a person’s life. Moments that at the time, mom or dad may not remember until looking back on the images. So, when a good friend of mine asked me to be her photographer from pregnancy announcement through her newborn session including the birth, I was thrilled!


So, on September 10th, I packed up my things and headed to Kansas City to watch my friend get checked into the hospital, eat her “last meal”, and start the induction process.

“The night before we went in to the hospital to start the induction process was so quiet and surreal—knowing it was going to be the last silent night before my baby arrived...but once she did, I felt an incredible peace and joy come over me....after I had gotten a little sleep of course! (It was a loooong labor!)” - Laura


Her sister and I headed back to their apartment that night, and bright and early on the 11th, we went back to the hospital to watch Laura labor. And boy, did she. Laura was in active labor for over 17 hours.

“The birth process was soooo different than I thought it would be! And there were so many people in the room! Ha, but it was surprising how it didn’t bother me that much. I just remember wanting that epidural so I could join in on all the fun conversations! Haha! So that would be the positive part. I also had an INCREDIBLE L&D nurse who took such great care of me! I was blown away.”

- Laura


Her friends and family kept making guesses as to when Miss Pennie would arrive since Laura’s laboring was coming along so smoothly. We played cards, watched movies and chatted in between the contractions but hour after hour went and no Pennie. And then Laura’s dilation stalled, the baby was no further along and her epidural wore off and she had to be administered additional meds which didn’t end up helping. Something was wrong. At almost midnight on the 11th, parents, doctor and nurses decided the best plan was to go in for a Cesarean section. Laura was a bit disappointed but at that point she was just exhausted, hungry and wanting what was best for her baby girl.

“The not so fun parts of the birth process were some of my expectations and prayers that weren’t met. I really wanted a natural birth, and for my epidural to work but God had different plans. C-sections are no joke!...However, I did try and joke around with the anesthesiologists!” - Laura


So, at 12:47am on September 12, 2018, Miss Pennie June made her entrance into the world, sunny-side up with the cord wrapped around her neck. Thankfully, that was soon disentangled and momma and dad got to meet the little girl that they had been praying for, who turned out to be perfectly healthy. An hour later, I was able to go in and meet this beautiful baby girl, photograph her with her mother and head back to the apartment to get some sleep.


Later that morning, I came back to photograph Pennie’s Fresh 48 session or as in this case, Fresh 24, which she rocked, and I got to hold her for the very first time!


I love the fact that I got to tell this birth story and even though it didn’t quite go to plan, every birth is special and I believe we need to document those stories. Which is why, I’m happy to announce that Leslie Marie Photography now offers birth sessions!! Check out the tab above for all the details!

When I first saw the images, I absolutely LOVED them!!!! There were precious moments caught and I’m sooo grateful that I can look back at those forever! I was also reminded of that hard but beautiful day! I would suggest everyone get birth photos taken - 110% yes!!! Moments captured between me and my husband that no iphone would do justice. Special interactions between friends, nurses, etc., that I want to remember forever, and now I can! It’s completely worth it!!” -Laura

Pennie - 24 Days New

First Hair Cut

First Hair Cut