Aurelia - A Birth Story

I've been wanting a chance to photograph a birth but not knowing how my body would react, I wanted my first experience to be with someone I knew very well.  My first attempt was for my sister who after 36 hours of labor ended up having a Caesarean section.  In that case, only one person was allowed in the operating room, so baby J's dad received that privilege.


So, when one of my dearest friends broke the news to me that they were expecting, I saw my second chance. 

"The day I found out I was pregnant was a day filled with equal parts joy and terror. I had been pretty certain for a couple weeks that I was and to have it confirmed was a miracle! We had been trying for a while after our first two losses, and for some reason I seemed to be having a hard time conceiving again. My doctor told me that I was not ovulating regularly and that we may have to look into fertility treatments as a way to conceive again. Little did we know that when we went in to discuss fertility options with my doctor, I was already pregnant!" - Alyssa


I first met Alyssa and her husband, Mitch, at a Bible study hosted by mutual friends of ours. Alyssa and I quickly connected over a love of books and everything Harry Potter related. When she asked me to be her Bumps to Baby photographer, I was honored.  Between the Gender Reveal and her Maternity photo shoot, I brought up the idea of photographing baby Aurelia's birth.

"My first thought was "Ew!" I was imagining a lot of vaginal shots with blood and fluids flying everywhere and her standing behind the doctor with a camera zeroed in on my Hoo Ha! She just laughed and assured me that the photos would all be very tasteful. She would stay behind my elbows and all the photos would be in black and white so that the gruesomeness factor was removed!" - Alyssa



And thus, planning began.  I asked advice from photographer friends to give me insight and tips for the shoot.  Details, details, details were their replies.  Oh, and bring a book, you will be waiting a lot.


Aurelia's due date came...and went...and we waited.  After two weeks past her due date, Alyssa's doctor set up an inducement appointment.  Between prayers and spicy food, Alyssa went into active labor on Wednesday, August 23rd, one day before she was to be induced.

"At 41 weeks and 3 days pregnant, a Monday morning at 2am, I started having my first contractions. By 7am, we were all packed and ready to go to the hospital when the contractions started to slow down significantly. My doctor said that it was probably false labor and that they would check me at my doctor's appointment the next day. Tuesday morning, they checked and I was only one centimeter dilated even though I had continued having contractions throughout the night. FINALLY at around 10am on Wednesday morning, they started getting much closer together and more intense! We went to the hospital at 1pm, where I was told that I was at 3 centimeters and they were admitting me." - Alyssa



I had been advised to not head to the hospital until Alyssa was at 5 centimeters so throughout that day, she updated me on how far along she was every time she was checked. Finally, around 9pm, I received that final text.  But, being the inexperienced me, I decided to wait another 40 minutes to finish up a few things at the house.  I mean, it had taken over 10 hours for Alyssa to get to 5 centimeters, what was another 40 minutes?  I will never make that mistake again.


Ten minutes after I left my house on the way to the hospital, Alyssa called me asking if I was on my way because they were getting her ready to push.  She had went from 5 centimeters to 10 within an hour...I may have broken a few traffic laws getting the rest of the way to the hospital.

When I arrived, I immediately went to her room, not even noticing her family in the waiting area, knocked on her door and started gently opening it.  I was met by nurses blocking my view.  I told them my name and from over their shoulders I heard Alyssa say that it was alright, 'that's our photographer.  But, Leslie, you might want to advert your eyes.' Alyssa was already in the stirrups ready to welcome baby Aurelia into the world.


I immediately asked where I was allowed to stand and started clicking away.  I had arrived at about 10pm and after 4 pushes, Aurelia was introduced to the world at 10:09pm, weighing 8lbs 6oz and stretching 21 inches long. It was such an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it. I felt so honored to capture Aurelia's beginning of life.

"I am so happy that Leslie made it there in time!  The pictures she captured of our first moments with our daughter are memories that we will always cherish!  We were blessed with such an amazing friend and photographer!" - Alyssa

First Hair Cut

First Hair Cut